About us

My Dent Clinic

Located in the center of Galati, My Dent dental clinic is an ultra-modern one where you will have a warm welcome and you will benefit from high quality services.

We offer a high quality treatment with state-of-the-art materials, new techniques and well-defined protocols that are strictly adhered to, which provide very good results every time.

Universitatii street, Nr. 3, Galati


We have the latest equipment that ensures the quality of every dental procedure.


You will meet a team prepared and motivated to meet any requirement.


The medical staff consists of experienced doctors ready to intervene in any situation.

Our services


Fast and Fixed - All on 4 / All on 6
(extraction, implants and immediate loading - 24 hour work)

Dental facets

Dental facets in only 60 minutes

Ceramic restorations

Ceramic restorations in just 60 minutes

Alveolar Tooth Surgery

3D printing, milling and staining the final veneers

Invisalign Orthodontics

Endodontic Microscope

Laser whitening

Facial aesthetics

My Dent Team


Time schedule

Monday - friday

09:00 - 17:00




CONTACT : 0759320999

Our partners


Our partners

Invisalign Orthodontics
DR Friedrich Widu

Invisalign Orthodontics
DR Friedrich Widu

Surgical Guides

Surgical Guides

Digital Smile Design

Demonstrative remodeling of the final smile in
cabinet based on DSD analysis

– and finally, the visualization of the demonstrative result,
in which you will feel and see the reality of a dream smile

Digital Smile Design

Demonstrative remodeling of the final smile in
cabinet based on DSD analysis

– and finally, the visualization of the demonstrative result,
in which you will feel and see the reality of a dream smile

NextDent 5100 3D PRINTER

Designed for laboratories and dental clinics

NextDent 5100 3D PRINTER

Designed for laboratories and dental clinics


You can contact us anytime at:


+40759 320 999

By Dr. Budeci Mihai

🔥 Clinica MY DENT 🔥
a fost avizată de către Direcția de Sănătate Publică Galați în data de 14.04.2020 pentru efectuarea manoperelor care constituie urgență stomatologică, în perioada de suspendare a activității conform ordonanței militare.

🆘Apelati doar daca aveti o situatie de urgență stomatologica 🦷, care nu poate fi amânată !

❗️Programarea se face în urma completării chestionarului telefonic de catre medicul dvs curant sau la tel pu urgenta 🦷 ☎️0️⃣7️⃣5️⃣1️⃣6️⃣5️⃣5️⃣0️⃣1️⃣3️⃣
📞In intervalul orar 10.00-17.00

👌Singurul mod de a ne proteja :
Nu iesiti din casa
Spalati-va des pe maini
Dezinfectati suprafetele pe care le atingeti