Cazul 1

ICX System
All on 4

The ICX Premium system, a German system ranked in the top 4 in Germany, implants were introduced perfectly through the ICX Magellan guided surgery system.

Implantology by digital guidance eliminates the cuts of the gum because the insertion is done by pushing it. The surgical intervention is thus almost non-bleeding, and the recovery is much faster than in the case of classical insertion.

The result is an exceptional one, and with the help of the latest generation 3D printers that our firm owns, even the smallest details have been perfected.

Cazul 2

ICX System All on 6

Team planning is done with the help of ICX MAGELLAN software, the guided surgery plan, in which the ideal position of the implants and future dental works will be prefigured: including the shape of the teeth, their size, the occlusion (bite) …

We place the implants only in the position allowed by the guide, minimizing the errors that may occur during this intervention and we ensure a rapid healing and a maximum aesthetic effect! Thus the 6 implants were introduced without problems, obtaining a good primary stability. Over implants come MultiUnit studs that allow us to do the screw work on implants

Surgical Guide – represents a biocompatible resin mold, made after digital measurements that gives the specialist the guidance needed to insert the dental implant with an accuracy unmatched so far.

Or did the extractions and implants the same day.

Over 24 hours the provisional work was mounted.

Cazul 3

Dental Facets Digital Workflow

Dental facets are prosthetic works that only partially cover the tooth, thus the procedure is slightly invasive. They are recommended for all patients who have dental anomaly of shape, color, position or for closing some dental spaces.
DIGITAL SMILE DESIGN helps us to preview the final result.
We use NATURAL TEETH forms!

We model Mock up Digital and print it 3D (Design of future Teeth). Then we mill the facets of ceramic cubes that are individualized

The result is an exceptional one! Get rid of inhibitions and enjoy Hollywood Smiles

Final Aspect

Cazul 4

Rehabilitation Implant-Prosthetic Complex

The patient benefited from a complex treatment, as shown in the picture above as presented to us at the clinic with multiple problems.

Or used 6 ICX-Templant Implants and Multiunits for her (she already had 2 implants, which I included in her work) from Metallo-Ceramica Screwed on implants at MAXILA.

At MANDIBULA or made dental veneers CAD CAM milling and Metal-Ceramic works on existing implants.

With the help of ICX MAGELLAN digital technology we inserted the implants in 3D format, which allows the possibility of precise measurement of the implantation area. It also allows the patient to preview the final result of the dental implant treatment.

   A personalized surgical guide ensures high accuracy of drilling and placement of the implant, fits perfectly, confers safety and predictability of surgery on implants thus eliminating human error.

   Minimally invasive techniques reduce postoperative pain, edema and healing time. Using controlled prosthetic surgery, we achieve primary stability that allows us to mount temporary 3D Printed crowns with NextDent 5100, so that the patient can regain his smile within 24 hours.

The final prosthesis was done after 6 months.

Precision and quality in execution


You can contact us anytime at:

+40759 320 999

By Dr. Budeci Mihai

🔥 Clinica MY DENT 🔥
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